Mind Your Language: A hilarious comedy about language and culture

Mind Your Language is a British TV show that aired from 1977 to 1986, created by Vince Powell and directed by Stuart Allen. The show stars Barry Evans as Jeremy Brown, a teacher of English as a foreign language at a London school. The show follows his adventures and misadventures with his diverse and eccentric class of students, who come from various countries and backgrounds.


The show is a classic comedy that uses language and culture as the main sources of humor. The show depicts the misunderstandings, confusions, and stereotypes that arise from the interaction of different languages and cultures. The show also portrays the friendship, loyalty, and respect that develop among the teacher and the students, despite their differences.

The show has a simple and catchy plot that keeps the audience entertained and amused. The show has a mix of slapstick, wordplay, satire, and irony, that balances the comedy and the message. The show also has a social commentary about the issues of immigration, integration, and education in Britain.

The performances of the actors are superb and memorable. Barry Evans is charming and witty as Jeremy Brown, who tries to cope with the challenges and joys of teaching a multicultural class. The actors who play the students are also brilliant and funny, each with their own distinctive personality and accent. Some of the notable characters are:

  • Ali Nadim, played by Dino Shafeek, a Pakistani who works as a waiter and often confuses words and phrases.
  • Juan Cervantes, played by Ricardo Montez, a Spaniard who works as a chef and often mixes up genders and articles.
  • Ranjeet Singh, played by Albert Moses, a Sikh who works as a bus conductor and often greets everyone with “Thousand apologies”.
  • Danielle Favre, played by Françoise Pascal, a French au pair who is flirtatious and seductive.
  • Giovanni Capello, played by George Camiller, an Italian who works as a delivery man and often uses gestures and expressions.
  • Anna Schmidt, played by Jacki Harding, a German who works as a nanny and often corrects everyone’s grammar and pronunciation.
  • Taro Nagazumi, played by Robert Lee, a Japanese who works as an electronics engineer and often bows and apologizes.
  • Maxime Papandrious, played by Kevork Malikyan, a Greek who works as a barber and often argues and complains.
  • Jamila Ranjha, played by Jamila Massey, a Pakistani housewife who is shy and conservative.
  • Chung Su-Lee, played by Pik-Sen Lim, a Chinese who works as a receptionist and often speaks in a high-pitched voice.

The technical aspects of the show are also decent and suitable for the show. The show mainly takes place in the classroom, with occasional scenes in other locations. The show has a catchy theme song and a lively background music. The show has a clear and audible sound and a bright and colorful picture.

Overall, Mind Your Language is a hilarious and enjoyable comedy that showcases the fun and folly of language and culture. The show is a must-watch for anyone who loves comedy, language, and diversity.

Rating: 4/5

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